Almost 17% voted early in 3 days in Belarus
16.79% of Belarus citizens eligible to take part in election have voted early as of today.
Central Election Commission secretary Mikalai Lazavik revealed the following figures to media, BELTA reports.
Most voters are from Minsk – 18.2%. Minsk is followed by Vitsebsk Province (18.12%), Mahilyou Province (17.58%), Homel Province (16.83%), Minsk Province (15.75%) and Brest Province (15.65%). The least number of people have voted in Hrodna Province (15.07%).
The turnout in Homel-Novabelistkaya election district #36 has reached 11.98% in three days.
The early vote will end on March 22. The Election Day is March 23.
Central Election Commission secretary Mikalai Lazavik revealed the following figures to media, BELTA reports.
Most voters are from Minsk – 18.2%. Minsk is followed by Vitsebsk Province (18.12%), Mahilyou Province (17.58%), Homel Province (16.83%), Minsk Province (15.75%) and Brest Province (15.65%). The least number of people have voted in Hrodna Province (15.07%).
The turnout in Homel-Novabelistkaya election district #36 has reached 11.98% in three days.
The early vote will end on March 22. The Election Day is March 23.