Ukrainian Pavel Grib abducted from Belarus gets imprisoned for 6 years in Russia
The 20-year-old Ukrainian has been returned guilty of spurring Russian Tatiana Yershova on to terrorism.
"Pavel Grib is guilty and will be imrpisoned for 6 years,” the judge announced.
Grib went on hunger strike after the sentence had bene pronounced.
The young man arrived in Homel to meet a girl and suddenly disappeared. He was found in a detention centre in Krasnodar, Russia. Nothing was known about Gryb’s abduction on the territory of Belarus, the Belarusian special services announced. They also promised to start a criminal case in connection with the abduction.
The young man mentioned the details of his abduction in Belarus in his last plea: “I made a mistake – I was improvident. Nobody could think that seemingly neutral Belarus could be so dangerous. The Belarusian police /…/ did not interfere to prevent my abduction. I was beaten and tied and they were trying to throttle me. I still have a scar on my right arm,” Grib said.
"Pavel Grib is guilty and will be imrpisoned for 6 years,” the judge announced.
Grib went on hunger strike after the sentence had bene pronounced.
The young man arrived in Homel to meet a girl and suddenly disappeared. He was found in a detention centre in Krasnodar, Russia. Nothing was known about Gryb’s abduction on the territory of Belarus, the Belarusian special services announced. They also promised to start a criminal case in connection with the abduction.
The young man mentioned the details of his abduction in Belarus in his last plea: “I made a mistake – I was improvident. Nobody could think that seemingly neutral Belarus could be so dangerous. The Belarusian police /…/ did not interfere to prevent my abduction. I was beaten and tied and they were trying to throttle me. I still have a scar on my right arm,” Grib said.