
‘Disloyal’ workers banned to come to work during Lukashenka’s visit

20 мая 2015, 13:33
The most dissatisfied workers were told to stay away from Minsk Tractor Plant during Lukashenka's visit.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka visited Minsk Tractor Plant and met its workers on May 15. However, only the most loyal workers were allowed to come to the meeting while dissatisfied and disloyal people were forbidden to come to work on that day, Radio Liberty found out.

A house painter reported it to journalists. Head of the painting workshop #91 Ruslan Kryvitski summoned six people and ordered them not to come to work on May 15, she said. He told them that they would not be allowed to pass the clockhouse anyway because the administration had ordered it.

Workers make 4 millions a month instead of 7 as plant director Fyodar Damatsenka told Lukashenka at the meeting, the woman said.

Workers of workshop #91 sent a letter to the plant director last year. They asked him to restore the previous level of wages and improve the working conditions. However, the plant director replied that it was impossible as the wages depended on output and efficiency.

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