
Belarus considers oil shipments via Ukrainian and Baltic ports

30 октября 2019, 10:06
Belarus is considering the possibility of oil supplies via Ukrainian and Baltic ports due to the worse profitability of Russian oil caused by the Russian tax maneuver, deputy head of Belneftekhim Svyatlana Huryna told the presidential administration's newspaper SB. Belarus Today.

Belarusian refineries have encountered problems in connection with the Russian tax maneuvers and the contaminated Russian crude in the pipeline earlier this year. Belarusian refineries will have received 18 million tons of Russian oil by the end of the year. “It is still impossible to reach the planned level of oil transportation,” Huryna said.


Belarus has started looking for alternative sources of oil supplies in this situation. “We are considering the possibility of oil supplies from the CIS, Middle East, and Africa via the Black Sea port in Ukraine and the Baltic Sea ports. We understand the transport corridors but the decision will be made only if alternative supplies are economically efficient,” the official admitted.

The closer the price of Russian oil is to the world prices, the more attractive alternative sources will be, she stressed.

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