Belarus raises oil export and transportation duties
On October 1, Belarus raised duties on oil and oil products exported outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC). This decision was taken in accordance with the government Decree №773 of 27 September.
The crude oil export duty increased from $80 to $91.9 per ton. The duty on straight-run gasoline increased from $56.8 to $65.2, on commercial gasoline — from $48.8 to $56 per ton.
The duty on light, medium distillates is $36.7 per metric ton (previously – $32). The same duty was set for diesel, benzene, toluene, xylene, and other lubricating oils.
On 11 October Belarus will raise tariffs on oil transportation on “Gomeltransoil Friendship” and “Polotsktransneft Friendship” oil mains.
The crude oil export duty increased from $80 to $91.9 per ton. The duty on straight-run gasoline increased from $56.8 to $65.2, on commercial gasoline — from $48.8 to $56 per ton.
The duty on light, medium distillates is $36.7 per metric ton (previously – $32). The same duty was set for diesel, benzene, toluene, xylene, and other lubricating oils.
On 11 October Belarus will raise tariffs on oil transportation on “Gomeltransoil Friendship” and “Polotsktransneft Friendship” oil mains.