Narkevich: State to ease procedures for private entrepreneurs
The state is about to abolish excessive procedures for private entrepreneurs, deputy Minister of Trade Iryna Narkevich claimed in the programme Week on STV on February 21.
An entrepreneur may have three shops in a shopping centre or market, the official set an example. According to the law, they need documents in all the three shops at the moment. “Why? We will simplify the procedure. It does not mean that no documents are needed. But it will be enough to have them in one of the shops,” Narkevcih explained.
Nevertheless, neither decree #222, nor the certification procedure will be abolished, the official stressed.
An entrepreneur may have three shops in a shopping centre or market, the official set an example. According to the law, they need documents in all the three shops at the moment. “Why? We will simplify the procedure. It does not mean that no documents are needed. But it will be enough to have them in one of the shops,” Narkevcih explained.
Nevertheless, neither decree #222, nor the certification procedure will be abolished, the official stressed.