
Prakapovich: Belarusian goods will conquer Russian market, Baltic states

26 июня 2014, 21:13
Vice Premier Piotr Prakapovich calls for stricter conditions for import supplies to Belarus.

"No one will dictate the retail facilities to make the import ratio whether 85% or 15%. We, however, should create conditions for Belarusian goods to become more qualitative and competitive", BELTA news agency quoted Prakapovich as saying.

He also noted: "If our good conquer the Belarusian market, they will conquer the Russian market, the markets in Kazakhstan, the Baltic states, Ukraine. We have two priorities here: to conquer the market and expand imports across the borders of this country."

The Vice Premier reckons the imported goods should enjoy a priviliged condition in Belarus. He hopes the situation can be changed and "competition will be healthy."

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